Saint Valentine’s Day 2021 in Different Countries: History and Traditions

February 14 is one of the brightest days in the year. The Western tradition of celebration is already far away from the church. Perhaps, everything that remains of the religious in this holiday is the personality of the saint itself. However, Saint Valentine's Day is quite popular in Ukraine and Russia. On this day people congratulate not only the beloved one, but also everybody whose name is Valentin or Valentina, as well as their relatives and friends. On St. Valentine’s Day people, of course, should give valentines – small notes with humorous poems and wishes (traditionally they are not signed, and the handwriting is tried to change: it is assumed that the recipient must guess who sent the valentine). In addition, the gift can be anything that has a heart shape (preferably red): sweets and other pleasant things.
In Italy, where, according to the one of traditions, St. Valentine’s Day is originated, February 14 is called a “sweet” day. Valentine cards are sent by mail in a pink envelope with no return address.
Valentines – love letters were first introduced by gallant French. Besides heart-cards people in France give lingerie, chocolate mousses, sweets, romantic journeys, “lucky” lottery tickets, sliced hearts sausage, pink yogurt, and artificial flowers, with a French accent boomy something like “I will love you forever.” Valentine's Day is also considered as the most successful day for marriage proposals. By champagne and dessert lover stretches red box with so-called “an engagement ring.”
Denmark. In this country, people usually send each other dried white flowers.
In Spain, the top of passion is considered to send a love letter with a pigeon. Here Valentine's Day takes place on May 1 and its unchanging symbols are maypole, and “Queen”, chosen among the most beautiful girls.
In Japan and Korea, February 14 is the main male holiday of the year. In anticipation of the holiday shopping malls, supermarkets and the usual small convenience stores put on the shelves colorful packages with chocolate, which Koreans will present their work colleagues, family and friends. For the closest men Asian women prepare chocolate with their own hands. The return gesture from the men Korean women get in a month, on March 14, when South Korea celebrates White day. The tradition of celebration this day came from Japan, where on March 14, the Japanese beloved gave their girlfriends white marshmallow. In Korea, on this day men give their girlfriends sweets, mostly lollipops. Only some people give flowers to Korean women as it is not accepted to give bouquets at all. The final day of a triad of holidays dedicated to Valentine's Day in Korea is Black day, celebrated on April 14. On this day, “singles” – men and women who did not receive chocolate or candies in the previous months, get together and go to eat noodles in black sauce – hence the name of the holiday.
Mexico. As in many other Latin American countries, Valentine's Day here has another name –the day of love and friendship. In 2012, the collective wedding ceremony on this day was attended by about 6200 pairs.
In the Netherlands, on February 14 it is not considered shameful if the woman will come to men and politely ask him to marry her. If this high gesture will not be appreciated, a man can blame only on himself: he must give lady a dress, preferably silk.
Dear Clients, Happy Valentine’s Day! On Valentine’s Day we wish every seeker to find his love, and those who has found to be happy. We wish you warmth, comfort and peacefulness in your families. Let the hearts of everyone will have a place for love, harmony and mutual understanding.